You are currently viewing Morbius


I am adding “Morbius” to the list of films that if no one would have told me that it was produced in the past two years, then I’d genuinely believe it came out around the same time as “Daredevil” (2003) or “Fantastic Four” (2005).

Thinking through the idea that most, if not all, comic book movies are sci-fi films, right, “Morbius” adds to the tapestry of generic, flimsy, and unintentionally comical films I’ve had the displeasure of experiencing on my dime and with my precious time. 😑😑

I knew it would be a doozy as soon as the first flashback began at around the seven-minute mark. There was this lazy MGM cartoon-ish, “That’s All Folks” transition that shifted focus to Michael Morbius’ childhood, which was just so poorly written. 😱😱


I know this film had to stimulate some physical and/or emotional pain for Kevin Fiege to add “In Association with Marvel” to the credits.


One pro was that the curvature of Matt Smith’s brow line kept my interest, as did his performance. I think he’s one of the most interesting looking actors I’ve ever seen, and I like his work. (I’m adding him to my list.) 


Anyway, in conclusion…